澳洲大學排名 | 澳洲大學排行榜 - 大地海外升學 Dadi Education
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Australia University Ranking 澳洲大學總排名

Architecture 建築

澳洲排名 QS世界排名 大學
1 15 The University of Sydney
2 19 The University of Melbourne
3 22 The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
4 28 RMIT University
5 45 The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON)
6 49 The University of Queensland
7 51-100 Curtin University
8 51-100 Griffith University
9 51-100 Monash University
10 51-100 Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
11 51-100 University of South Australia
12 101-150 The University of Western Australia
13 101-150 University of Technology Sydney
14 151-200 Deakin University
15 151-200 The University of Adelaide

資料來源:QS World University Rankings by Subject

Computer Science 電腦科學

澳洲排名 世界排名 大學
1 14 The University of Melbourne
2 36 The Australian National University
3 42 The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
4 43 The University of Sydney
5 51-100 Monash University
6 51-100 RMIT University
7 51-100 The University of Queensland
8 51-100 University of Technology Sydney
9 101-150 Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
10 101-150 The University of Adelaide
11 151-200 The University of Western Australia
12 201-250 Curtin University
13 201-250 Deakin University
14 201-250 Macquarie University
15 201-250 Swinburne University of Technology
16 201-250 The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON)
17 201-250 University of South Australia
18 201-250 University of Wollongong
19 301-350 La Trobe University
20 351-400 Victoria University
21 401-450 Western Sydney University
22 451-500 Griffith University

資料來源:QS World University Rankings by Subject

Civil Engineering 土木工程

澳洲排名 世界排名 大學
1 16 The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
2 21 The University of Sydney
3 25 The University of Melbourne
4 29 Monash University
5 48 The University of Western Australia
6 51-100 Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
7 51-100 RMIT University
8 51-100 The University of Adelaide
9 51-100 The University of Queensland
10 51-100 The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON)
11 101-150 Curtin University
12 101-150 University of Technology Sydney
13 101-150 University of Wollongong
14 151-200 Swinburne University of Technology

資料來源:QS World University Rankings by Subject

Mechanical Engineering 機械工程

澳洲排名 世界排名 大學
1 44 The University of Melbourne
2 46 The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
 3 51-100 The Australian National University
 4 51-100 Monash University
 5 51-100 The University of Sydney
 6 101-150 RMIT University
 7 101-150 The University of Queensland
 8 101-150 The University of Western Australia
 9 151-200 Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
 10 151-200 The University of Adelaide
11 151-200 University of Technology Sydney
12 151-200 University of Wollongong
13 201-250 Curtin University
14 201-250 Deakin University
15 201-250 Swinburne University of Technology
16 251-300 The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON)
17 251-300 University of South Australia
18 301-350 University of Southern Queensland

資料來源:QS World University Rankings by Subject

Pharmacy 藥劑

澳洲排名 世界排名 大學
1 2 Monash University
2 20 The University of Sydney
3 31 The University of Queensland
4 49 The University of Melbourne
5 51-100 The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
6 101-150 The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON)
7 101-150 University of South Australia
8 151-200 Curtin University
9 201-250 The University of Western Australia
10 251-300 Deakin University
11 251-300 Griffith University
12 251-300 Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

資料來源:QS World University Rankings by Subject

Psychology 心理學

澳洲排名 世界排名 大學
1 18 The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
2 19 The University of Melbourne
3 23 The University of Sydney
4 25 The University of Queensland
5 41 The University of Western Australia
6 42 Monash University
7 44 The Australian National University
8 51-100 Macquarie University
9 101-150 The University of Adelaide
10 101-150 The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON)
11 101-150 Western Sydney University
12 151-200 Deakin University
13 151-200 Flinders University
14 151-200 Griffith University
15 151-200 La Trobe University
16 151-200 Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
17 151-200 University of South Australia
18 201-250 Curtin University
19 251-300 Swinburne University of Technology
20 251-300 University of Wollongong

資料來源:QS World University Rankings by Subject

Accounting & Finance 會計及金融

澳洲排名 世界排名 大學
1 11 The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
2 14 The University of Melbourne
3 20 The University of Sydney
4 23 The Australian National University
5 26 Monash University
6 39 The University of Queensland
7 51-100 Macquarie University
8 51-100 The University of Adelaide
9 51-100 The University of Western Australia
10 51-100 University of Technology Sydney
11 101-150 Deakin University
12 101-150 Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
13 101-150 RMIT University
14 101-150 University of South Australia
15 151-200 Curtin University
16 151-200 La Trobe University
17 151-200 University of Wollongong

資料來源:QS World University Rankings by Subject

Business Management 商業管理

澳洲排名 世界排名 大學
1 22 The University of Melbourne
2 23 The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
3 31 Monash University
4 40 The University of Sydney
5 51-100 The Australian National University
6 51-100 RMIT University
7 51-100 The University of Queensland
8 51-100 The University of Western Australia
9 51-100 University of Technology Sydney
10 101-150 Deakin University
11 101-150 Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
12 101-150 The University of Adelaide
13 151-200 Curtin University
14 151-200 Griffith University
15 151-200 Macquarie University
16 151-200 University of South Australia
17 151-200 University of Wollongong
18 251-300 La Trobe University
19 251-300 The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON)

資料來源:QS World University Rankings by Subject

Communication & Media Studies 傳訊及媒體研究

澳洲排名 世界排名 大學
1 24 Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
2 27 The University of Queensland
3 31 The University of Melbourne
4 35 The University of Sydney
5 46 The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
6 51-100 Macquarie University
7 51-100 Monash University
8 51-100 RMIT University
9 51-100 University of Technology Sydney
10 101-150 Deakin University
11 101-150 Griffith University
12 101-150 The University of Western Australia
13 101-150 Western Sydney University
14 151-200 La Trobe University
15 151-200 Swinburne University of Technology
16 151-200 The University of Adelaide
17 151-200 University of Wollongong

資料來源:QS World University Rankings by Subject

Hospitality Management 酒店管理

澳洲排名 世界排名 大學
1 9 Griffith University
2 12 The University of Queensland
3 22 Monash University
4 27 University of South Australia
5 38 Southern Cross University
6 50 La Trobe University

資料來源:QS World University Rankings by Subject

Geography 地理

澳洲排名 世界排名 大學
1 10 The Australian National University
2 17 The University of Sydney
3 23 The University of Melbourne
4 31 Monash University
5 37 The University of Queensland
6 51-100 Macquarie University
7 51-100 The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
8 51-100 The University of Western Australia
9 101-150 The University of Adelaide
10 101-150 The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON)
11 151-200 Curtin University
12 151-200 James Cook University
13 151-200 RMIT University
14 151-200 University of Wollongong
15 151-200 Western Sydney University

資料來源:QS World University Rankings by Subject

Mathematics 數學

澳洲排名 世界排名 大學
1 27 The Australian National University
2 38 The University of Melbourne
3 45 The University of Sydney
4 51-100 Monash University
5 51-100 The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
6 51-100 The University of Queensland
7 101-150 Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
8 151-200 The University of Adelaide
9 151-200 The University of Western Australia
10 151-200 University of Technology Sydney
11 201-250 The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON)
12 251-300 Curtin University
13 251-300 Macquarie University
14 301-350 RMIT University
15 351-400 University of Wollongong

資料來源:QS World University Rankings by Subject

Law 法律

澳洲排名 世界排名 大學
1 11 The University of Melbourne
2 13 The University of Sydney
3 14 The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
4 16 The Australian National University
5 27 Monash University
6 43 University of Technology Sydney
7 48 The University of Queensland
8 51-100 Griffith University
9 51-100 Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
10 51-100 The University of Adelaide
11 101-150 Deakin University
12 101-150 Macquarie University
13 101-150 The University of Western Australia
14 151-200 La Trobe University
15 151-200 University of Wollongong
16 201-250 RMIT University
17 201-250 University of South Australia
18 201-250 University of Tasmania
19 251-300 Bond University
20 251-300 Curtin University
21 251-300 Flinders University
22 251-300 University of Canberra
23 251-300 The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON)

資料來源:QS World University Rankings by Subject

Politics & International Studies 政治與國際關係

澳洲排名 世界排名 大學
1 6 The Australian National University
2 23 The University of Sydney
3 38 The University of Melbourne
4 51-100 Griffith University
5 51-100 Monash University
6 51-100 The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
7 51-100 The University of Queensland
8 151-200 The University of Adelaide
9 151-200 The University of Western Australia
10 151-200 University of Technology Sydney

資料來源:QS World University Rankings by Subject











關於澳洲大學排名 – 常見問題

1. 「澳洲八大」是指甚麼?


2. 「澳洲八大」包含哪八間澳洲大學?

「澳洲八大」包括澳洲國立大學(The Australian National University)、阿得雷德大學(The University of Adelaide)、墨爾本大學(The University of Melbourne)、蒙納士大學(Monash University)、新南威爾斯大學(The University of New South Wales)、昆士蘭大學(The University of Queensland)、雪梨大學(The University of Sydney)及西澳大學(The University of Western Australia)。記緊要留意各個學科以上澳洲大學排名!