I think the method of teaching differs a lot. Self-directing learning has been more emphasised here. Also, more practicals are provided in Australia. I would say the most unforgettable thing is meeting the nice locals here. I was quite nervous when I first arrived. However, they are really nice and helped me in finding my way to the bus stop. I would like to say thank you to my counselor. You helped me a lot in my applications. You are always willing to answer my questions even when you were having your day offs. I really appreciate that. Everything is beyond words. 🙂
There are many differences between London and Hong Kong, and perhaps from my experiences being overseas for more than 9 years, I could say that London have everything that I was looking for. Campus life at Brunel brings me happiness, I have met friends from many different countries, developed knowledge and culture from others as well. When I first arrive London, the most unforgettable things happen was the weather. Weather in London could be terrible in the morning and absolutely amazing in the afternoon. I would like to thank Eki Wan for being my education counselor as she is kind and helpful, continuously asking for my status and willing to help.
Before I went to the Australia I had a lot of doubts and all these questions about where will I live and how will I make friends, not to mention the fact that if I will be able to adapt to a whole new education system. But thanks to Eki , they were able to answer all my questions and no matter how many ridiculous question I had for them they will always reply you with a nice smile . I don’t think I would be able to keep my sanity if it wasn’t for the help of.
係外國讀書比香港容易攞高分,自由d,冇香港咁死板,亦都令我重拾讀書興趣,而且Stephy都好nice,一直都會同我keep contact,關心我喺外國既生活情況。記得有一次我同室友生活習慣唔同,我同resident director反映過都冇用。之後Stephy就 send email同學校跟進。好快學校同我聯絡,了解我嘅情況同作出安排。所以我都好多謝Stephy一直幫我。
I’m really glad that I can go oversea and study, it’s a really fun experience.English people are nice and Downside is a beautiful place.
There isn’t anything to worry about,I was able to adapt really quickly.
香港壓力大,外國好輕鬆。外國人好nice,功課又簡單又可以學到好多知識。去左外國之後學到好多又獨立好多,全部都係係香港讀大學學唔到 對於未來發展非常有幫助 去到外國識到非常多交心的朋友 而且有大量時間比自己做喜歡的事。記得剛到步自己一個感到無助但升學顧問(Gini)提供重大的幫助令我平安度過這個過渡期。
In my school, we have much smaller classes than in Hong Kong, 8 to 12 students in a class. And that we only have four lessons per day with extra activities going on every day. The most obvious difference will be the dinning hall which we always go to there for everyday meals.
The most memorable thing would be the Christmas dinner that I once had, as I have never had such a formal and festively event back in Hong Kong. My education counsellor, Gini, has always aided me whenever I need her help, especially during emergency. I really appreciate and want to thank Gini for her supportive assistance and advice whilst studying in UK.
In england the campus is bigger than Hong Kong and also more fresh air. When I first came to uk I went with my parents so I didn’t feel uncomfortable but it is really easy to adapt all the people in uk are really nice they are really helpful. Thank you for your help Carmen I am really happy now studying in university of hull.
Compare to Hong Kong’s school life, I have to talk to someone with English. Also, there are a lot of activities in Taylors College, such as end of term’s party, sport game. When I first arrive Australia, a thing that I cannot believe is the hot weather. I appreciate to my agent as she helps me a lot and she truly provides a good introduction that about Taylors College to me, let me have a first impression about my school.
Stephy became my education counsellor from 2015. The reason for why I contacted her at the first place is because I wanted to apply IY1 course from different universities. Through out the whole process of getting me into a university, Stephy definitely gave me lots of constructive advise and support such as analysing which university would be suitable for me as well as helping me to get better offers by arranging interviews for me. Moreover, she was very efficient and productive due to the fact she managed to gather all the information that is needed in a very short period of time which I really appreciate. After all, I would like to say thanks you for everything you have done for me Miss Ho!!!
The difference of campus life in UK and HK is that u get so much more international environment around you. In UK, the campus is very large and well-suited for study life, such as 24 hrs library, supermarket close-by and great sports facility, comparing to HK’s relatively small campus.
I think the experience of studying in uk is not replaceable with other things. you spent time in a very different country and try out different cultural context with shock of culture difference. you can easily improve your english skills by constantly communicating with people around you.
As for my Counsellor, I totally am grateful and loving her with respect. Since she helped me on so much things. it is not a easy job like it sound to be and she is caring and keep my update from time-to-time, which have gave me a smooth and pain-free application process and most importantly, I got the offer that I want. this speaks everything. she is a capable and skillful personnel, I recommend her highly. 🙂
The main difference for me was my family wasn’t there.
It took me a while to get used to it. It wasn’t easy in the beginning with cultural differences and all those house rules (I finished GCSE course in England). My school only had a few Hong Kong people and they were all boys. So I ended up living with German and British girls. They surely had different living styles. And not everyone was nice. But this was part of the experience.
Then I decided to go to LA to continue my studies. And it was another fun and valuable experience.
I never regretted studying overseas. I’ve learned so much over these years. I’ve met so many people and created tons of wonderful memories.
If you have any questions about overseas study experience, feel free to ask me. I would love to share my experience with you.
Also I need to say a big thank you to Eki!! She was the one who helped me when I first decided to go study in England and had no cue what to do. She answered all my questions kindly and patiently.
由讀High School 到Master畢業,已經過了六年時間。第一次到達Adelaide時,剛好是我18歲生日。對於一個香港土生土長的學生而言,Adelaide的感覺絕對係非常「外國」。萬里無雲,平房四處而不高於十層,至今仍極深刻。一人在外,寄人籬下,難免有點兒思鄉。幸好,一路以來,Joan 由住宿至升學,至今六年一直給予支援。由中學至碩士,見證住學業上每一個突破。在此,我必須再跟 Joan 說聲「多謝一路以來的幫忙」
This is the first time I am having an overseas study experience, and also the first time I have been in Australia.
When I first time arrived in Australia I expected foreign education to be different from Hong Kong but in the real world foreign education seems to be relaxed on the surface. In reality though, I need to be hard-working in order to graduate successfully. Sometimes I have had to do 3 tests in a single day.
In addition life in Australia is very different from life in Hong Kong. Life seems more relaxed in Australia. On Saturday and Sunday they stay at home to watch TV or work on their garden. In Hong Kong most people find some places to go.Also staying home is considered boring in Hong Kong. So that why they need to go out to find some places to visit or do.
When I first time came to Phoenix Academy I met a lot of International students. They came from Vietnam, China, Thailand…..and many other countries. I think they are so kind to me.
Hope I have good memories in Australia.
I have been in Canada for 3.5 years, and noticed there are some differences in campus life. First of all I was attending secondary school in Hong Kong then went to Canada for Grade 11-12. Comparing both life in campus I would say I enjoy being in Canada more, because they are not just emphasis on “stuffing the duck” education, but they will also ensure you are well-being, that school always hold different activities for student to relax. The teaching in Canada school makes it interesting to student, unlike in HK. Students and teachers in school are friendly, you will be easily make friends and never get bored. Back in HK, I cannot have fun and relax myself, it was just being intense all the time, even during the break I would stay in my seat and keep on studying. Also after school people will not just go straight home for studying, but they will hang out with friends for a bit then back on studying mode, even on the weekend is the same situation, however in HK it is not like that. Moreover, in Canada University, it is a similar experience when I was in high school, university is fun since you get to make friends who are from all around the world, learning different cultures.
When I first arrived in Canada, that is my first time to be living in an English speaking country, everyday have to speak in English, I don’t have a good level of English from before, so takes me some times to adapt, sometimes I even got teased by people. I would say this is unforgettable experience as if without the tease my English won’t improve that fast. The environment is really nice, there are a lots of green and have fresh air which makes me feel great about it and love to go out even just simply for a walk or a run, those are memorable things happen to me.
My mom helped me to find the agent for applying school in Canada and Aliz So becomes my education counsellor. I want to say to her that she is really helpful and friendly, me and my mom have many questions but she still tries her best to answer. She also follows up with me after I went to Canada, check with me how I am doing, it is nice.
UK campus life is different from hk greatly , the living rhythm is different and the social culture is different. British people are polite and concern about punctuality. Young people drink a lot and they party almost every day.
我覺得香港同英國的校園生活分別係 呢邊D學生都大多數係international students。如果佢地有吾明嘅野,佢地會主動問 同埋會同其他同學一齊唸方法去solve D problem。之後呢邊D老師都好Nice 有吾明佢地都會好樂意去教你。呢到呢邊最難忘的事是同學校去左一次Bath,個次見到好多好靚嘅view。好多謝我個升學顧問幫我搵左間咁好嘅學校 同埋幫左我好多問題。係嚟緊嘅日子我會努力讀書。
Aliz arrangement was okay but visa took a long time to get approval. Study in Australia is good as the environment is great for study. However, the arrangement of accommodation was very poor, the estate agency did not offer as you wanted, they always arranged too far away location to student. so I suggest find accommodation by yourself if you can, don’t trust estate agency.
The campus life in a foreign countries is much different from Hong Kong , most the students in the campus are locals, they all speak English and so hard to make new friend. However, the campus in foreign is much bigger than the campus in Hong Kong. The unforgettable thing for me is the campus is so big, I lost in campus.
Thank you for my education counsellor, you help me so much, if there was not your help, i can’t get in the uni.
很早之前就已經有計劃想到英國讀書 這次得到大地的幫助 去英國的過程格外輕鬆 初到英國 覺得英國的城市密度比起香港還是要寬裕很多 學習與日常生活比較平衡 但不代表可以偷懶 另外英國的學習氛圍輕鬆 學生之間單純友善 讓整個人脫離了香港那種急躁的節奏 轉為更為舒適放鬆的。最難忘的兩件事 第一件是 原來在英國人的理解中 中國人是講粵語的。第二件是 原來超市商場商店 8點鐘之後就基本關門了 想出去找24小時的比較難 所以在日落前 要做好入夜的準備~
Because of language and culture differences,I was a little bit worried. But after Miss Ho assisting and organising, I can take up easier. Thank you so much. If the home stay service can be serviced better than this time, I will feel greater than this experience.
The greatest difference of studying overseas is the atmosphere here. As Hong Kong is an exam-oriented society, students hardly find studying or revising interesting; but in foreign countries like Australia, schools mainly focus on moral standards and it allows students to have a sense of belong to the school.
Australia gave me a really good impression when I first arrived, especially the people here. It was fifth week in Australia and I decided to sing in the school’s assembly. I was really nervous at first but the crowd started to clap a beat when I was singing and made me feel like part of them. The applauses and compliments I received after the performance was absolutely marvellous. Since then I became one of the most popular student in college.
I would like to express my gratitude towards Miss Or and her assistant, they were really helpful and considerate at organising and communicating with the school. Without them, I wouldn’t have entered a school I really love.
在2016年1月,我先決定暫別我工作了15年的地方,隻身走到一個沒有任何朋友及親人的地方-英國就讀11月的英語課程,心情既担心又忐忑不安。我在班中是唯一一個中國人,我的英文水平比較差的原故,我很難可以在短時間融入他們。在那邊,天氣特別冷,我覺得十分孤單。家庭寄宿生活起初也未很如意,我開始感到想放棄和特別想家。幸好,在過程中得大地升學的柯小姐從旁安慰及協助,令我不忘我為何千辛萬苦到英國內的初衷。其實,我的簽証得來不易,有賴柯小姐及團隊的専業工作,如果我輕易放棄,實在是辜負了她們及自己的付出。雖然是吃苦,但是有幸我還遇到Sussex Down College 很好的英語老師及幾位知心朋友,Jo O’Dell, Valerie and Marie, 我很感謝她們。我認為十分值得到外地見識及學習,這個經驗是我人生的亮點,一世難忘。我在這裏誠心鼓勵有升學夢想的同學們,不要怕,勇往向前。這個升學經驗讓你不怕困難,一世受用。這裡再次感謝大地升學的柯小姐的協助。
直到知道自己被取錄了,心情更是忐忑。因為留學會成為事實,但我好像仍然很茫然,不知道如何面對。一下子要離開熟悉的環境及親友,心?著實誠惶誠恐。多謝大地升學的Cindy,她幫助我與學校溝通,將我的擔心吿知學校,好讓學校知道如何幫助我過渡這轉變期。當我抵達學校時,學校的不同部門都刻意留意我的需要,盡力幫助及關顧我。另一方面,Cindy 更介紹我媽媽認識一位家長,讓她以過來人身分解答我們的問題。這實在令我媽媽放心很多。
Studying overseas, from selecting schools and accommodation to preparing all documents required is an extremely complicated procedure to me as I haven’t done this before. I am so glad that i have encountered a warmhearted education counselor, Cora. She guided me thoroughly, even spending her time after work clarifying the application progress with me. I am now able to study my dream subject, master of occupational therapy and will work hard on it to pursue my goal. Once again, thank you very much, Cora.
This Trip studying in the UK has been a wonderful time. The chance of studying in a foreign country as well as travel around a place I have never been to before had introduced me an experience I would have never encountered before. When I first came to Downside School, things seem to be a little odd to me as it varies from traditional school back in Hong Kong. But soon, I got used to it. And I find studying overseas is the most valuable and important in my education experience. I will pursue my degree and post graduate study in the UK. I learnt to be more mature and independent. I am more focus on my studies and find studying is interesting in the UK. My future goal is to be an Engineer, I am glad I have found my goal at this stage.
I certainly appreciate the support from Miss Monique Or of Da Di Overseas Studies Service Cenre at Tsuen Wan office. She gave me confidence to face new challenges and most importantly, to communicate and guide me on the right track toward my academic goal and future career. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to her . Thanks for her time and generous help on me from the first day we met until now. She has now become one of our best friends who always talk and is helpful to solve any problems I raised. I do encourage all the students who want studying overseas to seek assistance from her and you will find the right guidance.
The method of study in HK is really different from the overseas. We only focus to remember all the contest to cope with our examinations. We never think about how the learned knowledge from our textbooks could apply to our daily usage. Those we’ve learned in schools would not inspire us much in life. Think what we’ve learned just because we have to cope with those unlimited exams for the education systems in HK. In the class, no one asks initiate to ask questions to the teachers, as students we only sit and listen to what the teachers instead without so much interactions. However, once I started to study in England; I m more interested to explore the knowledges by asking to the teachers as if I have any problem in the class. We all fix the difficulties together through discussion and everyone expresses their opinions frankly and contributes to the others. We are living and studying as a whole team as always. I’ve been learning to be more independent, initiative and happy in my studies. Besides of that, my social skills & team work spirit are obviously enhanced at the same time! Finally, I would deeply to say thank you to my education counsellor, Stephy, for all of her greatest effort to support my path of overseas study. My mom and I hereby would like to express our highly appreciation to her hard work! Feeling so grateful to have her around along the road.
I adapted the life style and the environment very quickly once I arrived, the first impression that Scotland gave me was people here are really friendly, they’d like to greet each other unlike people in Hong Kong. I enjoyed my new school life as the campus is dandy and spacious, I made new friends and they are all nice to me. I m doing well in my study, parents are happy about that.
The life in New Zealand is quite different from that in Hong Kong. The main difference of studying in New Zealand is that we have more time and space to develop our mental spirits and have more chances to be in touch with sport activities. Besides, students can also learn to be independent as they are living in boarding school, communicating with others. The first morning run was the most unforgettable thing. In here, I would like to thank Carmen, my counsellor for applying this school for me. In the future, I wish they would keep on giving advice and helping students who are interested in studying aboard.
Studying overseas alone was a great challenge to me as i lack confidence in English speaking. Fortunately, I met a group of local and international schoolmates. We eventually developed a strong bonding with each other. I could therefore easily adapt to the foreign environment. That was really a wonderful experience and i will never forget things i have gone throughout this year.
Undoubtedly, studying abroad is never an easy way to experience. However, it’s a great experience to explore the world and my own horizon. Comparing to the university life in Australia and high school in Hong Kong, Australia’s is much more relax and less stress, this motivate and boost my interest in studying. The most unforgettable experience was staying with homestay, because you never know what they like you to do or what they don’t like you to do, so we have to keep them happy to ensure that you are not demeaned.
I found my education counsellor through my dad’s friend, she’s great and very helpful to provide supports for all my enquiries. Thus, I could successfully enter the foundation and university which I wanted to get in and study. Thanks a lot, Jenny.
The different between Hong Kong and Australia campus life that was the environment of study. In Australia, their teacher would like to help student how to plan and prepare for the examinations such as consultation and a lesson(AAP) for ask teacher how to prepare for future university life. Also UNSW will provide a talk for foundation study student to introduce the courses about University. I would like to say thank you to my agent Jenny since she only has few weeks for her to prepare a large amount work as visa and apply to the UNSW.
I think there is a huge difference between studying in the UK and that in hk as the atmosphere is fairly relaxed. Mainly the experience in secondary school is the most significant because I had to learn how to live without my parents at such a young age. Luckily, some nice staff and caring people in my boarding school have helped me to settle down within the first week when I first arrived. Also, Jenny has helped me a lot during my education process, I really appreciate that.
There were a lot of challenges that I needed to face when I first arrived here. The biggest challenge is the language problem. People around me were all speaking english and I felt so tired on communicating with others. The most unforgettable thing is when I decided to order something to eat in the fast food restaurant when I first came here, I even did’t know what to say to the staff. That was quite embarrassing. Finally, I would like to say thank you to my counsellor for providing many informations to me.
Carol is a very helpful lady in terms of helping me to find a university in the UK that is suitable for me. In the middle of 2015, I approached Carol, she gave me a lot of advices and opinion about studying in the UK. Then I decided to study at INTO University of Gloucestershire, INTO gave me the benefit to boost my English before progressing to the degree program. I studied diploma in hospitality, event and tourism. I really enjoyed the course, there were not so many students from Hong Kong that is why i enjoy it because i can speak more english rather than cantonese. INTO UOG has a full team to support the student. All of the teachers were very nice and helpful. I graduate from INTO UOG in June 2016. I am currently studying at the University of Gloucestershire, BA(Hons) Hospitality, resort and tourism management. I can go straight to Year 2 when i finished at INTO UOG diploma program. Now i am doing a 4 year program (included 1 year at INTO and 1 year placement). During the third year, i have to undertake a placement year which mean working in a hospitality industry to gain more experience. UOG has a full placement team to help the student to find placement. They will guide the stuent along the way such as provide placement opportunities, interview skills. They have a range of countries which offer placement such as New Zealand, Canada, USA, Hong Kong, UK and much more. Some USA company will fly over to my university to recruit student. I am delighted to have a job offer with JW Marriott, Austin in Texas, USA in their front office department. My placement will begin in June 2017 until June 2018, i am so excited and looking forward to my placement year. I hope i can gain more skills during my placement year.