從Heathrow International Airport到Nottingham Trent University約需3.5小時車程
所在地 | 學校種類 | 成立年份 | 學生人數 | 國際學生百分比 | 性別 |
Nottingham | 大學 | 1992 | 27,920 | 18% | 男女校 |
Nottingham Trent University (NTU) 是一所位於英國Nottingham的公立大學,其歷史可追溯至1843年的Nottingham Government School of Design,在1970年轉型為理工學院後,更在1992年被升格為大學。
NTU的格言為’shaping futures’,現時開辦超過500個學位課程,3個在Nottingham的校園City, Clifton及Brackenhurst有超21,000名學生,當中有近2,600名國際學生。
QS英國大學排名: #62
Sunday Times 英國大學排名: #52
衛報英國大學排名: #51
TIMES英國大學排名: #74
Arts & Design 美術及設計
Media and Communication 傳理系
Business 商科
Cultural Studies 文化研究
English Language and Literature 英國語文及文學
NTU無論在City、Clifton抑或Brackenhurst 校園均設有自己的學生宿舍,這些宿舍有以下的共通點:
- 單人房間或套房,套房單位內有獨立浴室及廚房,其餘房間則需與其他學生共用浴室
- 房價不包括饍食費
- 24小時保安設施,宿舍亦有單車泊位
- 每周收費由£83– £163不等。
入學要求 (以下所列為大部分科系的最低收生要求,部分科系收生要求會較高,詳細請向我們的顧問咨詢)
學術: HKDSE 544或以上
英文: IELTS 6.5 (6.0)
學費 (只列舉部分課程,詳情請向我們的顧問查詢)
FEES | |
Course | Yearly Fee |
BA (Hons) Business | £12,600 |
BA (Hons) Fashion Design | £12,600 |
BA (Hons) English and Linguistics | £12,600 |
BA (Hons) Journalism | £12,600 |
BA (Hons) International Relations | £12,600 |
實地探訪分享 – Royce Chung
課程種類: 基礎課程、文憑課程、大學學位課程
院校特色: 美術及設計
I had the privilege of visiting Nottingham Trent University in late November which was located in the center of Nottingham, United Kingdom. During my visit, I had the opportunity to experience first-hand on how different faculties of the university teach the students there. From facilities to equipment and teaching staff to study environments, Nottingham Trent University was able to provide a well-established surrounding for students to study to the best of their abilities. By delivering all-round student supports along with other well-being pastoral cares, the university focused to deliver personal cares suited for different individuals. Their Art and Design faculty in particularly, left an immense impression for me. Nottingham Trent University had a very deep historical root with their School of Design faculty and it clearly reflects on how strong they are in this area. Students have the opportunity to choose their desired course within the wide-range areas of the Art and Design faculty.
Regardless of what field the students decided to pursuit, they are provided with individual work-spaces with industrial equipment for them to use to study.
This allows them to understand not just on paper but hands-on experience of what working in such industries will be like. I believe Nottingham Trent University is capable of bringing out the best of the student’s abilities with their teaching quality and overall support and will be a wonderful starting point for students to choose what career path they want to reach in the future.