地區:Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
從倫敦希斯路機場(Heathrow Airport)到Dean Close School:約需2小時車程
£2,920 - £8,600/學期(日校)
Dean Close School是一間位於英國西面小鎮Cheltenham的傳統中小型男女校,距離倫敦約2小時車程,環境優美恬靜;校園遼闊,佔地超過50英頃,校園將新與舊完美融合,學生每天遊走於19世紀的維多利亞建築與新落成的多用途大樓及宿舍之間,儼如一種縮小版的時空穿梭體驗。
2021 Sunday Times排名: | 197 |
GCSE A*-A/9-7 (2020): | 59% |
GCSE A*-B/9-6 (2020): | – |
A-level A*-A (2020): | – |
A-level A*-B (2020): | 70% |
Dean Close School在學術方面一直維持高水平表現,2020年在GCSE考試中,59%的學生考獲9-7,另外在A-level中則有50%學生考獲A*-A,平穩的公開考試成績表現,讓Dean Close School在Times Parent Power全英私立學校排名中,穩佔180位,表現不俗。學校在數學、附加數學、美術、歷史等方面表現最為突出。
中六/七學生在 3科A-level外,Dean Close School會額外安排「增值課程」(Enrichment Courses)讓學生選讀,而每一項「增值課程」均會獲得相關資歷認證,令學生在升讀大學前獲取額外的競爭力。例如學生可選擇修讀一年制的EPQ 加音樂/電腦/ 體育領袖文憑(Extended Project Qualification,一個相等於半科A-level課程的項目,完成EPQ的學生能獲取的UCAS分數,對考讀大學相當有幫助),又或者2年制的GCSE德文、AS哲學/數學/古代歷史。
寄宿年齡: | 13-18 |
全校人數: | 466 |
寄宿人數: | 227 |
A-level可選修學科: | ||||
Art & Design 美術 | Biology 生物 | Chemistry 化學 | Computer Science 電腦科學 | Economics 經濟 |
English 英文 | Geography 地理 | History 歷史 | Mathematics 數學 | Business 商業 |
Music 音樂 | PE 體育 | Physics 物理 | Religious Studies 宗教研究 | Government and Politics 政府及政治 |
French 法文 | Further Maths 延伸數學 | Product Design Technology 產品設計 | History of Art 美術史 | Latin 拉丁文 |
Theatre Studies 舞台研究 | Psychology 心理學 | Spanish 西班牙文 |
2020-21年度每學期學費(每年3學期) (寄宿) | |||
Year 7-8 | Year 9 | Year 10-11 | Year 12-13 |
£9,300 | £12,800 | £12,800 | £13,200 |
2020-21年度每學期學費(每年3學期) (日校) | ||||
Year 1-2 | Year 3-6 | Year 7-8 | Year 9-11 | Year 12-13 |
£2,920 | £5,900 | £6,500 | £8,100 | £8,600 |
From the school:
Set on a beautiful 50-acre site on the edge of Cheltenham town, Dean Close is a long-standing co-educational day and boarding School that believes that education is as much about building character and relationships as it is about gaining knowledge. An underlying Christian ethos generates genuine warmth and mutual respect at all levels within the School.
Dean Close School offers a unique educational opportunity to all who wish to experience this family and community centred approach to learning and life. The School is truly co-educational, where the number of girls and boys are almost equal. The school aims to broaden the opportunities of each and every pupil through an exceptional array of facilities in sport, music, theatre and art as well some 100 clubs and societies. Facilities include an impressive 550-seat theatre/concert hall, a purpose-built art centre and music school. An underlying Christian ethos generates genuine warmth and mutual respect at all levels within the school.