Bede's Senior School - 大地海外升學 Dadi Education
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Bede’s Senior School

Bede’s Senior School

地區:Hailsham, Eastbourne

從倫敦希斯路機場(Heathrow Airport)到Bede's Senior School:約需1.5小時車程
749 (286名寄宿生)
£8,780-£12,130/學期 (寄宿)
£3,480-£7,600/學期 (日校)

Bede’s Senior School位於英國南部Sussex Down,校園遼闊,佔地140英頃,與海邊城鎮Eastbourne非常接近,距離只有20分鐘車程。Bede’s Senior School的校園周遭被大片樹林和田野包圍,景色美不勝收。

Bede’s Senior School並非一間學術篩選型(non-academically selective)學校,但學校在公開試始終能保持不俗的成績;2020年的GCSE中,39%考生考獲9-7;在A-level中則有67%考獲A*-B。最多學生選擇入讀的大學包括Edinburgh、Essex、Exeter、Cardiff、King’s College London、Manchester 及Loughborough。今年有2位畢業生成功考入Oxbridge,另有4位成功考入醫科。

2021 Sunday Times排名: 273
GCSE A*-A/9-8 (2020): 39%
GCSE A*-B/9-6 (2020): 60%
A-level A*-A (2020): 41%
A-level A*-B (2020): 67%


寄宿年齡: 13-18
全校人數: 749
寄宿人數: 286
Senior School可選修學科:
English 英文 Maths 數學 Science 科學 Art & Design 美術與設計 Business/Economics 商業/經濟
Ceramics 陶藝 Computer Science 電腦 Design & Technology 設計與科技 Drama 戲劇 Geography 地理
History 歷史 Latin 拉丁文 Media  Studies 媒體研究 Music 音樂 Religious Studies 宗教研究
Photography 攝影 Physical  Education 體育

From the school:

The School is set in 140 beautiful acres of the Sussex Downs . Our current student roll is 750, with over 300 of our students boarding at one of our 5 stunning boarding houses . Bede’s is a place where every pupil is truly treated as an individual and where we enrich young people in a holistic way – not only for success in the material sense but in ways which enable them to flourish meaningfully, as rounded human beings.

Bede’s inspires young people to achieve in every facet of their educational experience. We place the individual and their passions at the heart of what we do. Our pupils are encouraged to go beyond their academic successes to develop as whole people. We engage them in pursuits that liberate their creativity and talents, revealing their pathways to future success.

Bede’s philosophy of breadth and excellence in the academic curriculum as well as our range of cultural, aesthetic, intellectual and sporting activities outside the classroom serves our pupils’ uniqueness very well. Most importantly, these enriching experiences are open to everyone and not just to an elite few. We place development of values at the heart of school life. Young people need the opportunity to experiment, embrace responsibility, lead, succeed and, because we learn more from adversity, venture beyond where they are comfortable.

Our aim is for each child to make an outstanding contribution in all aspects of their lives: in school, in the local community and the wider world. We will do everything we can to make that happen.

2020-21年度每學期學費(每年3學期) (寄宿)
Year 7-8 Year 9 Year 10-11 Year 12-13
£8,780 £12,130 £12,130 £12,130
2020-21年度每學期學費(每年3學期) (日校)
Year 1-2 Year 3-6 Year 7-8 Year 9-11 Year 12-13
£3,480 £5,740 £5,920 £7,600 £7,600
Bede’s Senior School
Upper Dicker, Hailsham BN27 3QH, United Kingdom
+44 (0)1323 843252